Privacy & Security

Lumnen Medical treats your privacy as one of its top priorities. We want to let you know about the steps we have taken to protect the information you provide to us through or any of our other online platforms. It is important for you to be aware of the information that we collect and what we do with the information. But, please note that we don’t sell or rent any form of information that we collect from our users. For any questions with regards to this matter, please contact our customer service at
Your visit to is subject to this privacy policy and the terms of service. Please also note that this privacy policy is restricted to information provided through and any form of communication conducted through It does not cover other forms of interaction or information that may reference For instance, communication with other e-retailers or brick-and-mortar stores. The details of the privacy policy are outlined below, and it was updated on 19th April 2017.

COLLECTION OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION does not collect your personally identifiable information except when you submit it to us. If you complete a user registration form or an online survey, you may be asked to provide personally identifiable information such as name, mailing address, email address, age group, gender, telephone number, products or cosmetic concern as well as the products or brands you use. As a security measure, all the registered users of must log in to their account using their email and password. In case you do not wish that we store your personal data, you shouldn’t provide it to us. In that case, when you submit any personally identifiable information on, you are giving us your consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of such information as set forth in this privacy policy.

Whenever you opt-in at any time or make a purchase through, the information you provide may be used by our third-party firms whom we use to host our site or store data. Except as otherwise stated herein, we will never disseminate your personal information to any third party who may use the information in a negative way, for instance, by marketing its products and services to you without your consent. After the initial opt-in or purchase and you are no longer interested in receiving communication from us, you can opt-out at any time. (See more information below)
We may engage other companies and individuals to carry out activities consistent with our privacy policy on our behalf. These may include web hosting firms, email service providers, data analysis firms, customer support specialists, and fulfillment companies who may engage to fill product orders or coordinate mailings. These third parties may be granted access to personally identifiable information for the purpose of carrying out the activities we have engaged them to perform. However, they may not use such information for any other purpose. We only work with credible individuals and firms who adhere to our strict privacy guidelines. None of them should sell any information they are provided to work with.
Whenever you participate in any sweepstakes, promotion, survey, filling questionnaires, or similar activities that you may conduct when you visit, the terms and conditions regarding such activities are made available. They may indicate whether personally identifiable information will be shared with third parties. In any case, providing any form of personal information will happen upon your full consent.

If you choose to give us your contact information through registration at, emailing our customer service department, or placing an order through any other means, we may provide you with service-related communications. These may include contacting you regarding your requests or providing more information about LUMNEN.
The information you provide to us may be used, in aggregate (non-personally identifiable) form, within LUMNEN to improve our business. Possible uses may include data analysis and the development of marketing plans. We may also collect or accumulate some non-personally identifiable information with regard to your usage of For instance, information that helps us understand which of our pages are most popular. The non-personally identifiable information may be shared with our licensees, affiliates, and partners.

If we deem necessary, in our sole discretion, we may disclose any information in our possession, including personal information, in order to comply with any applicable law, legal process, regulation, or government request. We may also share this information with credit fraud protection and risk reduction organizations.

LUMNEN may use cookies to personalize your experience or recognize you as a returning user. A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website, and it is stored on your hard drive by the browser you use. Generally, the cookies will help us to track and serve you according to your preference. We may also use temporary cookies to assist you while you are shopping. The cookies will expire when you place an order. If you do not prefer any form of cookies, you can set your browser to reject cookies. Even when your browser rejects cookies you can still use The only drawback is that you will be limited in the use of some features.

This privacy policy is only applicable to information that we collect on This will not extend to other sites that we have links on our site or the ones that link to our site. We are not responsible for the privacy guidelines or the content of those sites. So, we encourage you to read the privacy policies of those websites.

LUMNEN has put in place various security measures in accordance with industry standards to protect your privacy both online and offline. If you have any questions regarding our security on, please email us at

We may revise this privacy policy from time to time without any notification. We will post the updated privacy policy here. We, therefore, encourage you to check this policy periodically. Please note that our right to use your personally identifiable information is always based on the privacy policy in effect at the time we use the information. Should there be any major changes that would have an impact on your opt-in status and how the information is used, we will obtain permission from you.

You are not restricted from changing, reviewing, or correcting the personally identifiable information you submitted to us. To do so, please email us at or you can call us at 1-866-625-5072. If you are a registered user, you can adjust your personal information at any time by logging into your account. You may also deactivate your account by emailing us at

We have put in place measures that guarantee your privacy so that your engagement with us through is an excellent one. Should you have any questions, concerns, or comments about our privacy policy feel free to contact us at

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vitae est sollicitudin, tempus libero et, accumsan felis. Fusce dictum dignissim dui, id tincidunt lacus cursus sed.